UPDATE: Subsequent to this post the IBM has adopted the Telemedicine Rule. See our page dedicated to Telemedicine for all related articles, including our most current post.

The Iowa Board of Medicine Amends Its Proposed Telemedicine Rule – Final Adoption Slated for the IBM’s April 3 Pubic Meeting

The Iowa Board of Medicine (IBM) has

Iowa Board of Medicine’s proposed telemedicine rule has been filed – hearing and public comments set for January 15

At its December meeting, the Iowa Board of Medicine (IBM) voted to formally file its proposed rule establishing standards of practice for physicians who use telemedicine. A public hearing on the proposed rule will be held

The October 24, 2014 posting (last in this series) addresses practical considerations for physicians using telemedicine, in meeting several of the proposed rule’s requirements as well as the proposed rule’s specific requirements re: financial interests, links to internet sites, prohibited relationships with preferred pharmacies, and prohibited internet transactions for prescribing controlled substances.

Requirements (standards) for

This October 18, 2014 posting addresses the proposed telemedicine rule’s requirement that a physician-patient relationship be established prior to providing medical services via telemedicine.

Physician-patient relationship required before providing medical care via telemedicine.

Proposed rule 653-13.11(7) Physician-patient relationship

Proposed rule 653-13.11(20) Circumstances when a physician may not personally examine a patient

Summary. Physician licensees