CMS Establishes a new Office of Enterprise Data Analytics (OEDA)
CMS announced in November the formation of a new Office of Enterprise Data Analytics (OEDA) and named Niall Brennan as the OEDA’s chief data officer. The OEDA’s overarching goal is to harness CMS’ vast data resources for internal and external use as CMS continues to move away from volume-based to value-based care.
Brennan, who has…
Afffordable Care Act (ACA) Presented at Annual Meeting of Iowa Bar
Brick Gentry’s Managing Partner, Paul Drey, presented the Hospitals’ and Physicians’ Perspective on the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA), as part of the Health Care Track of the Iowa State Bar Association‘s Annual Meeting.
The federal Affordable Care Act presents a number of challenges and opportunities for hospitals and physicians in the evolving healthcare…
Physician Contracting: Compensation and Bonus Provisions
Compensation and Bonus provisions in physician employment contracts are incredibly important. In my practice in dealing with physicians, many times if they are unhappy with the contracts they are currently in, it has to do with compensation and how it is being determined. It is incumbent upon you, and me as your counsel, or whoever…